Hebrews 6:12-15

Numbers 23: 19-20.

“God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfil?”

I am so grateful that God is not like us. We tend to base out trust and perception of who He is by our experiences of others who are human and often let us down. When God makes a promise, we can be certain that He will keep it. He is a promise keeper. The verses in Numbers tell us that God does not on a whim, change His mind, nor does He not fulfil His many promises to us. Our part in inheriting those promises is to have faith and patience as we wait. I know this is not always easy, but remember who God is, His unfailing love, His nature and the examples set out for us in the bible all help.

In Hebrews 6:13 Abraham was such an example of faith and patience as He waited for God to come through for him. “When God made His promise to Abraham he swore by Himself” since there was no one greater for Him to swear by. Abraham inherited Isaac and many dependents as promised.

Lord thank you that you are a promise keeper. Thank you that I can trust and rely on your love and faithfulness.


Olga Fredericks

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Hello I’m Olga, “Only a moment to live this life, like shooting stars burning up the night. Till Heaven’s opened and we arrive.” – Cory Asbury, Endless Alleluia. I’d like to invite you to join me on this journey of being “like shooting stars burning up the night” making our lives count for all eternity. We can make a difference and influence the world around us.

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