Psalm 121.
Psalm 121: 1-2.

” I lift up my eyes to the mountains-
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
The maker of heaven and earth.”

So often when I am faced with difficulties, my emotions seem to get the better of me, and I find myself wallowing in discouragement and the” what ifs?” I tend to focus on the problems and trials instead of Jesus. In doing so the problems, I face suddenly become insurmountable.

The psalmist tells us today to lift up our eyes implying that perhaps our eyes are focused downwards worrying about our issues. If I can just remember that the Lord is indeed the creator of heaven and earth and that He is greater and more powerful than anything I am facing today, oh how quickly my focus would change. I have to recall who He really is, what He says He can do and who I am to Him. Then, as that famous hymn says,” the things of the earth will grow strangely dim”.

Olga Fredericks.


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About Me

Hello I’m Olga, “Only a moment to live this life, like shooting stars burning up the night. Till Heaven’s opened and we arrive.” – Cory Asbury, Endless Alleluia. I’d like to invite you to join me on this journey of being “like shooting stars burning up the night” making our lives count for all eternity. We can make a difference and influence the world around us.

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