Psalm 121.
Psalm 121: 1-2.
” I lift up my eyes to the mountains-
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
The maker of heaven and earth.”
So often when I am faced with difficulties, my emotions seem to get the better of me, and I find myself wallowing in discouragement and the” what ifs?” I tend to focus on the problems and trials instead of Jesus. In doing so the problems, I face suddenly become insurmountable.
The psalmist tells us today to lift up our eyes implying that perhaps our eyes are focused downwards worrying about our issues. If I can just remember that the Lord is indeed the creator of heaven and earth and that He is greater and more powerful than anything I am facing today, oh how quickly my focus would change. I have to recall who He really is, what He says He can do and who I am to Him. Then, as that famous hymn says,” the things of the earth will grow strangely dim”.
Olga Fredericks.